Are you sick and tired of guys playing games? Would you like to continue chasing guys or would you prefer to have them chase you?

As a dating expert, I have seen my fair share of chasing and put a lot of thought into learning how to get a guy to chase you. Here you will learn the top ways to get him to chase you.

1. Let Him Come To You

Do not contact him at all until he reaches out first. Give him some time and space and he will initiate the conversation. Avoid being the one to always make contact. By leaving a little space he has time to miss you and want you.

2. Show Value

Make sure you know your worth and act accordingly. Hold your head high, and walk with confidence. Dress nicely and present yourself well. Put your best foot forward and make it clear that you are a high value person and he would be lucky to be with you.

3. Be Unavailable

Don’t always say yes to everything or text him back right away. When you are unavailable, it shows you are busy and in demand. It shows you are a high value person with options, and your time is valuable.

4. Make Him Jealous

It is a good idea to create some jealousy by casually mentioning other guys, posting pictures on your social media, and bringing up recent fun experiences. Let him hear all about what he’s missing out on.

5. Be Unpredictable

A great way to get a man to chase is to create an air of mystery. Randomly text or call him out of the blue. Disappear for a day or two, and the next day text him all day. Make sure to switch it up. This will keep him curious and intrigued.

6. Compliment Him

We all love getting compliments. A good way to get a man to chase you is by stroking his ego. Give him a genuine compliment, sparingly, one that you really believe. He will associate the positive feelings with being with you. This will cause him to be more interested.

  • “You have a good sense of humor.”
  • “I love your jacket, it is so sexy.”
  • “Your muscles are popping out of your shirt.”
  • “You’re fun to be with.”

7. Limit Your Time

When you have a text conversation, be the one to stop texting first. When you spend time together, have a hard stop time. Don’t let the date go as long as he wants. Setting a time limit shows that you are a high value person and have other things going on.

8. Be Feminine

Men are highly focused on a woman’s physical attractiveness. Make sure to dress nice, do your hair & makeup, have manners, and be a lady. Men are most drawn to feminine energy. Let the guy bring the masculine energy, you bring the opposite.

9. Be Memorable

Create positive memories during your interactions so he wants to see you again. Leave him wanting more. When you aren’t together, he will think of the good times you have together, and reach out.

10. Send a Sexy Text Message

Men are sexual creatures, unable to control themselves. Be spontaneous and send a sexy pic, voice memo, or text. Anything sexual will spike his interest and make him curious and eager.

By admin

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